Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch and Media Corruption

“The bottomless cesspool that was Rupert Murdoch’s London tabloid News of the World is gone, but the ruthless corporate politics of its master still hold sway in the U.S. and Britain. Murdoch is the great vampire of media corruption and consolidation on both sides of the Atlantic. But he is not a solitary villain. ‘Murdoch was not the only media beneficiary when the FCC allowed him and others to consolidate their power and influence.’ All corporate media are truth thieves.

“‘Murdoch felt he had nothing to fear from politicians and that he was probably right to be so unconcerned.’

“If it can be said that there is one lord of world wide corporate media, that person is Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch’s News Corporation reigns supreme in television and print media in his native Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom.

“Americans are most familiar with News Corporation ownership of the Fox news cable channel, the New York Post, Dow Jones Inc., the Wall Street Journal, and Twentieth Century Fox film studio among others. The Murdoch organization is not just big, but has a distinct political point of view. Despite the claim of being ‘fair and balanced’ Fox news and other Murdoch outlets blatantly promote and protect conservative interests and politics.”

@Black Agenda Report

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