Saturday, July 9, 2016

Image Capture

Image capture is the new growth industry. It's very J. G. Ballard in its dystopian aspect. Taking the real and incorporating it into computer databases, linkable hypertext, systematic recuperation.

Paper isn't going away any time soon, but we need the virtual to be everywhere, all the time.

These concepts are playing out, just as many of our most forward thinking authors were nascently aware.

Human beings have needs. We need to breathe, we need to eat. Sometimes we do other things.

But we need to provide for our survival, and in a dysfunctional system, our methods become dysfunctional.

If you think ISIS and Orlando and Dallas happen in a vacuum because of some "bad apples", I think maybe you're being a little willfully naive about what is happening out here on the "street".

People are becoming radicalized because they're feeling the powerlessness of living in a society that does not admit anyone without a wristband. If you don't get what I mean, think harder.

The movie Highrise, based on one of J. G. Ballard's novels, is a pretty good field manual to the new normal.

If you don't want to see this play out, GET OFF YOUR PHONE and GET ORGANIZED.

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