Does every single fucking on-line news site need to stream you a video of what you're already reading? Not to mention the text jumping all around the page as different ads load and collapse endlessly?
People wonder why no-one can fucking concentrate anymore.
When I want to read something, I want to be able to trace a line of text that is not jumping around and to not be interrupt from my reading by blaring ads and chattering news anchors.
I mean, I often turn off the sound to avoid the noise, but there's not much to be done about the data overages, and I think corporate America wants it this way.
Ad Blocker is not the answer, it's proper regulation of the industry, but that's not going to happen until people really start to feel the pain. I think it's coming, though. I hear more and more complaints every day about the weird fucking shit the tech companies are doing.
Human dignity. That's all we have above the machines, so let's start respecting it.
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