Saturday, July 9, 2016

Income Inequality

So, think of the banking system as a huge barrel of beer.

Now, all that liquid is going to go to somewhere.

Where is it going to go?

Well, that depends.

Is it 2000, on the cusp of the first tech bubble collapse?

Is it 2004, on the eve of the war on Iraq?

Is it 2008, just as the housing market collapses?

There are many different ways for particular people to influence monetary realities.

Where do you think that Iraq War money went?

There are people from Black Water vacationing in Cancún RIGHT NOW on that money.

This shit is a stack of lies and hubris.

We live in a closed system. There is only one ground, one sky.

That money was siphoned out of the collective fund and given to whomever would stoop so low as to degrade themselves into fucking other people over.

So that's why the assholes have the most money.

But WE, COLLECTIVELY, have the most human power.

Which is exactly why they want to keep us fragmented and opposed to each other.

This shit was articulated throughout the late 50s and 60s, and yet, we lost the will entirely to keep up the discipline necessary to collectively oppose bullshit.

Aided and abetted by the court system.

I rest my case, your honor.

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